Pediatric Dental Fillings In Carrollton, TX And Neighboring Communities

What Are Pediatric Crowns?

Pediatric dental crowns are used to treat seriously damaged teeth in kids. Like adult crowns, pediatric crowns cover up the damaged tooth and restore its shape, size, and function. They are typically made of stainless steel for baby teeth, or out of tooth-like porcelain for adult teeth. If you think that your child may need a pediatric crown in Carrollton, contact Kids 101 Pediatric Dentistry for a consultation with Dr. Nelcy Sanchez (Dr. S) today.

cracked tooth

Did you know…

In kids, dental crowns have a 6% better survival rate after three years compared to dental fillings.

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How It Works: The Dental Crown Treatment Process For Your Child


Tooth prep

To begin the dental crown placement process, Dr. S will clean and numb your child’s mouth. Then, she will use a drill to remove damaged or unhealthy tooth material, and prepare for the placement of your child’s crown

Stainless steel crown placement

If your child is getting a stainless steel crown on a baby tooth, Dr. S. will choose a pre-fitted crown and cement it into place immediately. Then, she will send you home. Stainless steel crowns can be placed in one appointment and are very affordable, and they're ideal for baby teeth.

Fitting for ceramic crown

For adult teeth, Dr. S. will take images and impressions of your child’s tooth. Then, she will place a temporary resin crown and send you and your child home. She will send her images and impressions to a dental lab, where your child’s crown will be built.

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Final ceramic crown placement

Once your child’s permanent crown is sent to our office in a couple of weeks, you’ll come back for one last appointment at Kids 101 Pediatric Dentistry. Dr. S will remove their temporary, clean the area, then cement their permanent crown in place. That’s it!

Common Reasons Children May Need Dental Crowns

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Clean Gums After Feedings

Even before your child gets their first tooth, it’s important to clean their gums between feedings. You can simply wipe their gums with a clean cloth to remove any remaining milk or formula. Once your child’s first teeth come in, you can switch to using a soft-bristled infant toothbrush to clean their gums along with any budding teeth.

Tooth Infections

After a root canal or other endodontic treatment for a tooth infection, crowns are used to cover up the now-vulnerable tooth. A crown keeps the remaining tooth structure healthy and intact for years to come.

Damaged Teeth

Crowns are great for restoring chipped, cracked, or broken teeth. Depending on the situation, your child may also need a root canal or another endodontic treatment to clean up the inside of the tooth before they get a crown.

Brush With Water & Toothpaste

Even if your baby’s first tooth hasn’t come in just yet, you should begin brushing their mouth using a soft-bristled infant toothbrush and a fluoride-based toothpaste. Choose a baby toothbrush with a large handle and small tip to provide the gentlest care for your child’s growing smile.


Deep cavities may sometimes need a crown rather than a filling or treatment with silver diamine fluoride (SDF). Crowns are better at protecting severely-decayed teeth, tend to last longer, and are more effective at preventing further decay. 

Did you know…

Pediatric dental crowns are usually made of stainless steel or zirconia.

Does your infant need an exam?

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Have Questions About Pediatric Crowns? Find Answers Here

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What Color Are Pediatric Dental Crowns?

Stainless steel crowns are a metallic grayish-silver color. These are used for baby teeth. That’s because the baby teeth will fall out eventually anyway, and stainless steel crowns are much cheaper than ceramic crowns. It makes more sense to choose stainless steel for these crowns, since they won’t last forever.

Ceramic crowns look and feel just like natural teeth. They are made out of tooth-like porcelain, and Dr. S will match your child’s crown to the color of their nearby teeth. Nobody will even be able to tell that they have a crown!

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How Much Will A Pediatric Dental Crown Cost?

This depends on your child, the type of crown they get, and any other necessary pre-crown treatments like root canal therapy. However, we do our best to keep costs low for our patients. In addition, all dental plans cover necessary dental crowns for kids. We recommend that you consult with your insurer for further details about your coverage.